Results for 'Laura Alicia Soto Rangel'

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  1.  3
    La hibridación cultural de América. Breve revisión de Cornelius de Pauw y Javier Clavijero.Laura Alicia Soto Rangel - 2025 - Valenciana 35:261-292.
    El presente trabajo analiza las representaciones de América y los americanos en el siglo XVIII con base en los conceptos de hibridación cultural de García Canclini y de tradición de Ambrosio Velasco. La primera parte del estudio examina la hibridación del territorio americano según las dos ediciones de la Enciclopedia de Diderot, destacando la complejidad discursiva en torno al concepto del salvaje propuesto por Cornelius De Pauw. Posteriormente, se realiza una revisión crítica de las interpretaciones nacionalistas de Xavier Clavijero, cuestionando (...)
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    Responding to the Spiritual Needs of Palliative Care Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Test the Effectiveness of the Kibo Therapeutic Interview.Ana Soto-Rubio, Marian Perez-Marin, David Rudilla, Laura Galiana, Amparo Oliver, Miguel Fombuena & Pilar Barreto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  3. International Legal Approaches to Neurosurgery for Psychiatric Disorders.Jennifer A. Chandler, Laura Y. Cabrera, Paresh Doshi, Shirley Fecteau, Joseph J. Fins, Salvador Guinjoan, Clement Hamani, Karen Herrera-Ferrá, C. Michael Honey, Judy Illes, Brian H. Kopell, Nir Lipsman, Patrick J. McDonald, Helen S. Mayberg, Roland Nadler, Bart Nuttin, Albino J. Oliveira-Maia, Cristian Rangel, Raphael Ribeiro, Arleen Salles & Hemmings Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders, also sometimes referred to as psychosurgery, is rapidly evolving, with new techniques and indications being investigated actively. Many within the field have suggested that some form of guidelines or regulations are needed to help ensure that a promising field develops safely. Multiple countries have enacted specific laws regulating NPD. This article reviews NPD-specific laws drawn from North and South America, Asia and Europe, in order to identify the typical form and contents of these laws and to (...)
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    A. Cassini y J. Redmond (eds.), Models and Idealizations in Science || R. Frigg y J. Nguyen, Modelling Nature || M. Antonelli y S. Sferco (comps.), Políticas del deseo, ética de los placeres || G. Martino, La mística eneádica. [REVIEW]Cristian Soto, Ana Laura Vallejos & Ulises Leandro Drisner - 2022 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 48 (2):305-317.
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    Beliefs About Parent Participation in School Activities in Rural and Urban Areas: Validation of a Scale in Mexico.Sonia Beatriz Echeverría-Castro, Ricardo Sandoval-Domínguez, Mirsha Alicia Sotelo-Castillo, Laura Fernanda Barrera-Hernández & Dora Yolanda Ramos-Estrada - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Marco Tulio Cicerón, Sobre las leyes, tr. Laura E. Corso de Estrada, Colihue clásica, CXXXII, Buenos Aires, Ediciones Colihue, 2019.María Jesús Soto Bruna - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (1):175-176.
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    La filosofía en la esfera pública.Damián Pachón Soto - 2024 - Revista Disertaciones 13 (1):9-28.
    El artículo elabora el concepto de campo filosófico desde la Historia social de la filosofía y en resonancia con Bourdieu, tratando la noción de opinión pública y mostrando, en perspectiva histórica, el papel del intelectual en la constitución de esta. Seguidamente ofrece un estudio de caso a partir de la obra de la filósofa colombiana Laura Quintana y sus constantes intervenciones en la esfera pública evidenciando, en este apartado, que el papel del intelectual no puede ser el del paternalismo (...)
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  8. Marco Tulio Cicerón en la vía justificativa de la ley eterna en Domingo de Soto.Laura E. Corso de Estrada - 2007 - In Juan Cruz Cruz, La ley natural como fundamento moral y jurídico en Domingo de Soto. Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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  9. Do Not Lose the Rice: Dōgen Through the Eyes of Contemporary Western Zen Women.Laura Specker Sullivan - 2023 - In Ralf Müller & George Wrisley, Dōgen’s Texts: Manifesting Religion and/as Philosophy? Springer Verlag. pp. 125-143.
    Dōgen has been described as a social reformer based on his more “enlightened” attitude towards women, inviting women students into his sangha and advocating for more egalitarian views of gender (Eido Frances Carney, Receiving the Marrow: Teachings on Dōgen by Soto Zen Women Priests (2012), p. xi). In this chapter, I describe how contemporary Western Zen women and their allies have understood Dōgen’s texts as a tool of personal and social transformation through examination of work by Zen practitioners such (...)
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    Dōgen and Wittgenstein: Transcending Language through Ethical Practice.Laura Specker Sullivan - 2013 - Asian Philosophy 23 (3):221-235.
    While there have been numerous claims of a resemblance between the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Zen Buddhism, few studies of the philosophy of Wittgenstein in detailed comparison with specific Zen thinkers have emerged. This paper attempts to fill this gap by considering Wittgenstein’s philosophy in relation to that of Eihei Dōgen, founder of the Sōtō school of Zen. Points of particular confluence are found in both thinkers’ approaches to language, experience, and practice. Through an elucidation of these points, this (...)
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    SOTO-BRUNA, MARÍA JESÚS Y CORSO DE ESTRADA, LAURA (EDS.), Vox naturae, vox rationis. Conocer la naturaleza, la causa y la ley en la Edad Media y la Modernidad Clásica, G. Olms, Hildesheim, 2016, 291 pp. [REVIEW]Andrés E. Vergara Ross - 2018 - Anuario Filosófico:405-408.
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  12. Apuntes de la obra de Arturo Ardao para una ética de la inteligencia.Laura Vargas Mendonza - 2014 - In Arturo Ardao, Yamandú Acosta, Fernanda Diab, María Inés Moreno & Hugo E. Biagini, Arturo Ardao: a cien años de su nacimiento. Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad de la República Uruguay.
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    Education, Welfare Reform and Psychological Well-Being: A Critical Psychology Perspective.Laura Anne Winter, Erica Burman, Terry Hanley, Afroditi Kalambouka & Lauren Mccoy - 2016 - British Journal of Educational Studies 64 (4):467-483.
    There are established links between education and well-being, and between poverty and education. This article draws on interviews with parents of school-aged children impacted by a policy in the UK commonly referred to as the ‘bedroom tax’. A critical psychology perspective to education is put forward, acknowledging the complex interrelationships between psychological well-being, sociopolitical factors and education.
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    Power, Status and Expectations: How Narcissism Manifests Among Women CEOs.Alicia R. Ingersoll, Christy Glass, Alison Cook & Kari Joseph Olsen - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):893-907.
    Firms face mounting pressure to appoint ethical leaders who will avoid unnecessary risk, scandal and crisis. Alongside mounting evidence that narcissistic leaders place organizations at risk, there is a growing consensus that women are more ethical, transparent and risk-averse than men. We seek to interrogate these claims by analyzing whether narcissism is as prevalent among women CEOs as it is among men CEOs. We further analyze whether narcissistic women CEOs take the same types of risk as narcissistic men CEOs. Drawing (...)
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  15. For labour : Ajeet's accident and the ethics of technological fixes in time.Laura Bear - 2014 - In Doubt, conflict, mediation: the anthropology of modern time. Malden, MA: Wiley.
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    Sensuous Abstraction as Aesthetic Wonder: Reframing Lewis’s Analysis of Studied Perception.Laura DeSisto - 2013 - Philosophy of Education 69:350-352.
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  17. Terrorism and the limits of law : a view from transitional justice.Laura Dickinson - 2005 - In Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas & Martha Merrill Umphrey, The limits of law. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
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    Reseña: Garrido Domené, Fuensanta, Los teóricos menores de la Música Griega. Euclides el Geómetra, Nicómaco de Gerasa y Gaudencio el Filósofo.Durán Laura Carolina - 2017 - Endoxa 40:405.
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    Testing a procedure to determine spatial proximity in semi-free-ranging macaque groups.Laura Mármol, Hélène Meunier, Ruth Dolado & Francesc S. Beltran - 2021 - Interaction Studies 22 (1):24-54.
    Individuals’ spatial position is affected by social factors. The majority of studies correlating spatial position and social factors have used methods with drawbacks. A more complete method was developed by Dolado & Beltran (2011) in captive animals. The present study aimed to apply a modified version of this method in two semi-free-ranging macaque groups. The proposed method divides group’s surroundings into different subareas, selecting different points in each subarea and calculating the coordinates of these points. We filmed each group and (...)
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    Françoise Baylis and Angela Ballantyne : Clinical research involving pregnant women: Springer, 2016, 301 pp, $199.99, ISBN: 978-3-319-26510-0.Laura Palazzani - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (4):343-345.
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    Orfeo y el plagio de la filosofía hebrea: citas órficas en Stromata 5. 14 de Clemente de Alejandría.Laura Pérez - 2011 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 15 (2):113-131.
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    In Appreciation of Anne Donchin's Life and Work.Laura Purdy - 2017 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10 (2):124-132.
    This article is an expansion of comments I was honored to present at a celebration of the life and work of Anne Donchin at the June 2016 meeting of the International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics in Edinburgh. It is obviously far from comprehensive, but I hope it gives readers a glimpse of an Anne of whose depths many of us were not fully aware. One of the most difficult parts of talking about someone who has died is highlighting (...)
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  23. Too Late Too Matter? Preventing the Birth of Infants at Risk for Late-Onset Disease or Disability.Laura Purdy - 2009 - In D. Christopher Ralston & Justin Ho, Philosophical Reflections on Disability. Dordrecht.
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    A religião como fundamento ético para os direitos humanos segundo o pensamento de John Finnis.Laura Souza Pires do Rio - forthcoming - Horizonte:1651.
    A presente pesquisa propõe apresentar, pela primeira vez na área de conhecimento das Ciências da Religião, a análise do pensamento jusnaturalista de John Finnis acerca do aspecto humano da religião. Nas obras de sua autoria, Finnis apresenta uma reconstrução inovadora da teoria do direito natural de Aristóteles e Tomás de Aquino. Tal inovação foi publicada em 1980, sob a orientação de Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart, que foi seu mentor quando na conclusão de seu doutorado, sendo que este último lhe propôs (...)
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    Dialectique et art dans la République et le Sophiste de Platon.Laura Rizzerio - 1999 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 97 (2):231-252.
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    Il consumo nell'era di Internet: un confronto tra Italia e Stati Uniti.Laura Sartori - 2003 - Polis 17 (1):31-60.
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    Fear and Reward Circuit Alterations in Pediatric CRPS.Laura E. Simons, Nathalie Erpelding, Jessica M. Hernandez, Paul Serrano, Kunyu Zhang, Alyssa A. Lebel, Navil F. Sethna, Charles B. Berde, Sanjay P. Prabhu, Lino Becerra & David Borsook - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Non-planar grain boundary structures in fcc metals and their role in nano-scale deformation mechanisms.Laura Smith & Diana Farkas - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (2):152-173.
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  29. Fiona Ritchie, Finishing First with Ethics.Laura F. Spira - 1997 - Teaching Business Ethics 1 (2):228-230.
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    Freedom to Flourish.Laura Stivers - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 44 (1):119-135.
    One cause of gentrification and displacement of multigenerational communities of color has been the increase of private equity firms buying affordable homes, upgrading them, raising rents, and evicting tenants. This essay focuses on housing financialization and the increasing shift from the use value of housing as a place to live to the exchange value of housing as a commodity and investment for corporate profit. After identifying the problem of gentrification and housing speculation in Oakland, California, the essay draws on ecowomanist/mujerista/feminist (...)
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    The Hang Up.Laura Specker Sullivan - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):15-16.
    Over the past year, our ethics service has had numerous consultations involving patients who use the emergency department for regular dialysis. Sometimes, they have access to outpatient hemodialysis that they forgo; other times, they've been “fired” from this kind of outpatient facility, and so the ED is their last option. In most of these cases, we're called because the patient is disruptive once admitted to the ICU and behavior plans haven't helped. But the call from a resident this March 2020 (...)
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    Application of an evidence‐based decision rule to patients with suspected pulmonary embolism.Laura Zwaan, Abel Thijs, Cordula Wagner & Daniëlle R. M. Timmermans - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (4):682-688.
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    Casos de pérdida del sentido. La tabla de la nada en Kant.Hardy Neumann Soto - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (162):9-34.
    Se examinan las diversas modalidades de la nada como casos de pérdida del sentido y falta de consumación del conocimiento: la nada como noúmeno y su relación con el fenómeno, así como la conexión trascendental de ambos. Aunque la nada pone en jaque al concepto de sentido, este se encuentra supuesto antes de todo tipo de pregunta por el ser, y se constituye en el trasfondo de las condiciones trascendentales que posibilitan el conocimiento.
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  34. Music and technology. Virtuality and metadesign : Sound art in the age of connectivity.Laura Ahonen - 2006 - In Erkki Pekkilä, David Neumeyer & Richard Littlefield, Music, meaning and media. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
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    Utòpia: elementi per un'educazione estetica: nascita e matematica.Laura Aimo - 2024 - Sesto San Giovanni (MI): Aesthetica edizioni.
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    Neurophysiological Correlates of User Experience in Smart Home Systems (SHSs): First Evidence From Electroencephalography and Autonomic Measures.Laura Angioletti, Federico Cassioli & Michela Balconi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Increasing Effect of Interoception on Brain Frontal Responsiveness During a Socially Framed Motor Synchronization Task.Laura Angioletti & Michela Balconi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    This research explored the effect of explicit Interoceptive Attentiveness manipulation on hemodynamic brain correlates during a task involving interpersonal motor coordination framed with a social goal. Participants performed a task requiring interpersonal movement synchrony with and without a social framing in both explicit IA and control conditions. Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy was used to record oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin changes during the tasks. According to the results, the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in high-order social cognition and interpersonal relations processing, was (...)
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  38. Antonio Rosmini y la unidad como exigencia en los sistemas del idealismo trascendental (Fichte y Schelling).José Alberto Soto Badilla - 1977 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 40:85-98.
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    The Portuguese Armed Forces Movement: Historical Antecedents, Professional Demands, and Class Conflict.Antonio Rangel Bandeira - 1976 - Politics and Society 6 (1):1-56.
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    Replacing the Patient: The Fiction of Prosthetics in Medical Practice.Laura L. Behling - 2005 - Journal of Medical Humanities 26 (1):53-66.
    The invention of computer simulations used for practicing surgical maneuvers in a video game-like format has an ancestry in the artificial limbs of history and is reflected, grotesquely, in Edgar Allan Poe’s short story, “The Man That Was Used Up” (1850). The nineteenth century worked to ensure that the incomplete body did indeed retain a sense of self by creating prostheses to mimic corporeal wholeness. Our present-day technology seems intent on doing precisely the opposite, deliberately fragmenting the body and challenging (...)
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    (1 other version)Editorial Enero-junio 2020.Laura Fuentes Belgrave - 2020 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (25):5-6.
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    When the cables leave, the interfaces arrive: Immaterial networks and material interfaces.Laura Beloff - 2006 - Technoetic Arts 4 (3):211-220.
    The last decade has seen the dawn of a technological development towards a wireless-networked world. Various mobile interfaces have started to appear like laptop computer, PDA, mobile phone, Blueberry. The zenith of this development is the full distribution of computation and networks into every aspect of our life. Everything will become an interface, from a cup to a shirt. Wireless networks and multifarious interfaces will blend invisibly into our everyday life and environment. This emerging infrastructure and its significant impact on (...)
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  43. Consideraciones sobre el simular y el disimular en la Carta de Descartes a Regius de enero de 1642.Laura Benítez - 1996 - Dianoia 42 (42):165-168.
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  44. Descartes y Bacon. Algunos aspectos metodológicos.Laura Benítez - 1992 - Analogía Filosófica 6 (2):85.
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  45. Sobre "Fenomenalismo y realismo". Homenaje al Doctor Wonfilio Trejo.Laura Benítez - 1988 - Dianoia 34 (34):300.
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    Modeling the art historical canon.Laura M. F. Bertens - 2022 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 21 (3):240-262.
    Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, Volume 21, Issue 3, Page 240-262, July 2022. Although the art historical canon has been the subject of fierce debate, it remains an essential construct, shaping textbooks and survey courses. Visual representations of the canon often illustrate these narratives. Students encounter diagrams in their studies and it is important to make them aware of the illusion of scientific objectivity. This paper proposes the use of the computer ontology, as a modeling tool with which students (...)
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  47.  24
    The Point of Politics.Laura Betzig - 1994 - Analyse & Kritik 16 (1):20-37.
    Why do men and women compete? And what makes them compete more or less? An answer to the first question follows directly from Darwin. If Homo sapiens, like other species, is a product of natural selection, then we should have evolved to compete in order to reproduce. An answer to the second question follows from more recent versions of Darwinism. People, like other organisms, are likely to compete socially - to form dominance hierarchies - to the extent that it is (...)
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  48. Modesto Berciano Villalibre.Mauricio Beuchot, Alicia García Montañez, Humberto Encarnación Anízar & Mariano Ramírez Degollado - 1989 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 49.
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  49. " The Family Is a Factory": Gender, Citizenship, and the Regulation of Reproduction in Postwar Egypt.Laura Bier - 2010 - Feminist Studies 36 (2):404-432.
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    John Greco (ed.), Ernest Sosa and His Critics.Laura Blažetić - 2005 - Prolegomena 4 (1):142-145.
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